Set them to 1300 and ceck the connection. If its working increase the MTU to the values the connection doesnt work anymore correctly. Them go back to the latest working setting. Server IP. Your LAN IP Address. (An IP from your network that is not used by any computer or the router). Example (assuming DD-WRT LAN address When you are off site you will try to connect

Set them to 1300 and ceck the connection. If its working increase the MTU to the values the connection doesnt work anymore correctly. Them go back to the latest working setting. Server IP. Your LAN IP Address. (An IP from your network that is not used by any computer or the router). Example (assuming DD-WRT LAN address When you are off site you will try to connect Assurez vous que DD-WRT soit dans une version récente, au minimum la r39137 – MTU : 1500 + Apply Settings Etape 3, configuration du VLAN Internet : Dans l'onglet DD-WRT Setup / Networking : – Tagging / Add / VLAN 0 Interface : wanif / Tag Number : 832 / Prio : 0 + Apply Settings – Port Setup / WAN Port Assignment : wanif.832 (*) + Apply Settings Dans l'onglet DD-WRT Setup / Basic The DD-WRT GUI Server and Client modes' defaults should suffice for most users. Using the Web Interface, go to the "Services" tab and then the "VPN" tab (for older versions of dd-wrt go to the "Administration" tab and then the "Services" sub-tab). Enable OpenVPN Daemon or OpenVPN Client. If further options do not appear, click Apply Settings. root@DD-WRT:~# ip -6 route show 2001:470:1f0e:5cd::/64 via :: dev he-ipv6 metric 256 mtu 1480 advmss 1420 2001:470:1f0f:5cd::/64 via :: dev he-ipv6 metric 256 mtu 1480 advmss 1420 2001:470:1f0f:5cd::/64 dev br0 metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 2000::/3 dev he-ipv6 metric 1024 mtu 1480 advmss 1420 fe80::/64 dev eth0 metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss 1440 fe80::/64 dev eth1 metric 256 mtu 1500 advmss Généralement, si votre MTU est trop grande pour la connexion, votre ordinateur subira une perte de paquets ou une perte de connexion Internet. Cet article va vous aider à déterminer ainsi qu'à configurer la taille appropriée de MTU. Pour savoir comment, suivez les étapes ci-dessous: i. Déterminer la taille correcte de MTU ii. Configuration de la taille correcte de MTU Déterminer la

DD-WRT is a Linux based alternative OpenSource firmware suitable for a great variety of WLAN routers and embedded systems. The main emphasis lies on providing the easiest possible handling while at the same time supporting a great number of functionalities …

Client PPTP sur un DD-WRT. La, un forum met le mtu a 1400 pour bien etre sur. et faut redémarrer le debian (juste le service pptpd) et le ddwrt. j'aurais pas utilisé ca introduit un réseau pour rien (et du NAT). coté débian: DD-WRT Router OpenVPN Setup 1. Point your web browser to your DD-WRT Administration Page, which usually by default is - for others who may have changed

To use the StrongVPN DD-WRT OpenVPN auto-installer, just login to the StrongVPN customer area, click "VPN Accounts Summary", click the "Get Installer" next to the appropriate OpenVPN account, click "DD-WRT", and follow the on-screen instructions.

Je ne sais pas si il est possible de changer les paramètres de dd-wrt à la main, en passant par le shell. N'avais tu pas initialement oublié l'étape 5 ? Une fois que tu as mis les 2 scripts (démarrage et firewall), il convient de rebooter (étape 5) avant de pouvoir choisir le vlan832 comme port WAN. I'd like to know this too -- well, specifically, if DD-WRT can support two modems. I really like it in SLPPP mode. It works great. I have the MTU set at 1442, but i'm not sure if it should be set